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Thursday, October 13, 2016

BLOG: Social Net'g

New Media Technology can be used to advertise company services and keep folks updated with changes. One of the benefits of new media, companies can have direct contact with customers by creating a public account on facebook where the public can write comments about company services and share ideas with eachother. The likes and dislikes of products being sold by the company can be useful information when making decisions about longterm services and products.  Futuristically speaking,  social media definitely has a  dark side. In the article  Facebook Privacy Is so Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private,  The Atlantic Wire, Greenfield, R. December 2 Randi Zuckerberg sister of Mark Zuckerberg Founder of Facebook found out first hand sharing private photos on social media isn't as private as you may think. According to the article, unless you fix your settings on Facebook to keep private photos within your friends and family, your private images will not only be shared with your friends, it can also be viewed and shared by friends of your friends. Once your photo hits the internet, it no longer stays private. Anyone can have access to your images without your consent.

The article "How Obama tapped into Social Networks, by Davis Carr, The New York Times
talked about the brilliance behind the Obama camp. They utilized the social media network during his campaign. They were able to get young voters out to the polls and full access to email accounts and other private information of Obama supporters. According to the article, past presidents used different forms of media to win elections and communicate with supporters. But the Obama administration tapped into social media where lots of communication takes place on a daily basis and captured the attention of so many and kept in contact through emails and  posts. I myself was  gave up personal information to the Obama adminstration to stay updated with our soon to be President. Back then it didn't seem like a bad idea to receive an email regarding issues such as healthcare, voting, education and so on. The messages I received had value. It never sound as if he was begging me for something. It made me aware of things happening. The messages were very informative and personable. Social media has a way of giving you access to people you may have never spoken to in the past. Your able to find like minded  individuals with similar wants and needs.
New Media will be around for years to come. Everyday we discover a new ways to enhance  communication amongst friends and family all over the world. New apps are being creating and more people are starting blogs in areas which has an impact on the public. Topics which sparks an interest in the daily lives of many.